Kaiser and other memorial stones of the Romincka Forest

The hunting successes of Kaiser Wilhelm II and his guests were marked with stones. The memorial stones were mainly erected to commemorate the harvesting of a special trophy (a deer with large branched antlers) or the emperor's hunting anniversaries. A total of 15 such stones were erected in the Pushcha.

The very first stone was erected in honour of Wilhelm II's first hunt. The inscription on it reads: "Here His Majesty the Emperor and King Wilhelm II on 23 September 1890 killed the first deer in the Romincka Forest with twelve antlers."

All Kaiser stones are installed in places where trophies are directly obtained - these are remote areas of forest, hard-to-reach swamps and flood meadows, which are sometimes very problematic to even get to.


Kaiser Pasha 09/29/1910
Emperor Wilhelm II poses next to his hunting trophy, a deer named "Pasha"


Below is a chronology of the installation of stones in the Pushcha in honor of the Kaiser's various hunting achievements and trophies.


23.09.1890 The Kaiser's first hunt in Romint and the first stag with 12 antlers
28.09.1896 In honor of the deer with 20 antlers
27.09.1898 Prince Friedrich Karl of Prussia, who visited and hunted in the forest in 1869-1884: "In memory of Prince Friedrich Karl of Prussia. The Teerbude forestry was located here, where this nobleman stayed during his visit to the Romincka Forest from 1869 to 1884."


Friedrich Carl Stein Memorial Stones
Construction work to install a stone in honor of Prince Friedrich Karl of Prussia


Memorial stones of the Romincka forest friedrich-carl stein
Memorial stone in honor of Prince Friedrich Karl of Prussia


It was Friedrich Karl who inspired his royal relative to hunt and create a residence in these places.


Stone in honor of forester Sternburg. Polish part of the Forest.


There are also several memorial stones to foresters Ferdinand Wallmann, Josef Sternburg, Albert Hansen and others.

This is the stone marking the site of the death of forester Oswald Kahnert from the Jörkischken/Jarkenthal forestry district in the Rominten forestry district. On August 16, 1919, Oswald Kahnert decided to find out what suspicious shots he had heard on his property. The next day, he and his dog were found shot dead. His rifle was lying 50 metres from his body. The forester was hated by many – he had detained several poachers and handed them over to the police. It was discovered that he had been shot with three bullets from a Luger P-08 army pistol. Three days later, the brothers O. and A. V., suspected of the murder, were also detained and brought to the Goldap court along with the murder weapon. During a dance, they had bet their third brother 3,000 marks that they would kill the forester. The murderers were sentenced to life imprisonment, but in 1926 Otto W. escaped from prison and his subsequent fate is unknown.


Even the dog, the hunter's faithful companion and assistant, was honored with its own memorial stone. Thus, in the Polish part of the Forest there is a memorial stone with only the word "Dora" and the dates 1913-1926.

There is also an unusual memorial stone in Poland, installed at the bridge over the Red Struga River (Czerwona Struga), with the inscription “Zeidler Brücke” (Zeidler Bridge).


Ziedler Bruecke
Stone with the inscription "Zeidler Brücke". Polish part of the Romincka Forest, near the bridge over the Chervona Struga River.


Below is a summary table of the typology of all memorial stones in the Romincka Forest, indicating their location.

An interesting difference between these stones can be traced on the German 250-meter Messtischblatt maps. Thus, the Kaiser stones are marked on them as Denkst (Denkmal stein - memorial stone), and the forester's stones are marked as Denkm (Denkmal - monument).


Type date Description Location State
Dokayzerovsky, to the forester 1848 (?) To the forester Voss "Voss 1848" Russia, to the SE of the bridge over the Chernaya River Costs
Dokayzerovsky After 1884 To Prince Friedrich Karl " Letzter Hirsch Herbst 1884 " Russia, to the southeast of the village of Dmitrievka Inverted
Dokayzerovsky After 1884 Prince Friedrich Karl , 1869-1884 Russia, Raduzhnoe village It's standing, restored.
Kaiser's 23.09.1890 The Kaiser's First Hunt in the Forest Russia, to the southeast of Lake Marinovo Costs
Kaiser's 28.09.1986 Deer with 20 antlers Russia For KSP
Kaiser's 27.09.1898 44 shoots Russia, between the villages Raduzhnoe and Lesistoe Costs
Kaiser's 24.09.1900 24 shoots Poland, apt. 76; Green Hat, north side of the road It's standing, restored.
Kaiser's 25.09.1901 100th deer Russia For KSP
Kaiser's 30.09.1902 30th Anniversary , Morning Ambush Russia, between the villages Raduzhnoe and Lesistoe Overturned
Kaiser's 30.09.1902 30th Anniversary, Evening Sit-down Russia, to the southeast of the village of Dmitrievka Costs
Kaiser's 05.10.1903 20 shoots Poland, near the monument to Raif, on the bank of a stream It's standing, restored.
Kaiser's 01.10.1904 Bilateral; 28 branches and the foundation of the St. Hubert Foundation Poland, the area of ​​the stone "2000th deer" Costs
Kaiser's 23.09.1908 20 shoots Poland, NE of the bridge in Stanczyki, by the road Costs
Kaiser's 07.10.1908 Four deer:


14 shoots


16 shoots


16 shoots


14 shoots

Russia, north of the Sosnovka-Raduzhnoe road Costs
Kaiser's 30.09.1909 22 shoots Russia, to the NE of Lake Marinovo Costs
Kaiser's 29.09.1910 24 shoots, Pasha Poland, Bochki Reserve It's standing, restored.
Kaiser's 28.09.1912 2000th deer Poland, 282 sq., on the south side of the road between 201 and 282 sq./202-283 Costs
Kaiser's 30.09.1912 40th Anniversary, 70,846th Deer, 18 Twigs Russia, to the southeast of the village of Sosnovka, south of the former village of Yagdbude Costs
Kaiserovsky, Other 04.10.1909 At Leonard's Bridge Poland, on the border, on the river bank Costs
Kaiser's unknown unknown RF Szittkehmen, Jagen 29 Lost
Kaiser's Presumably:
Deer with 16 branches, prototype of the monument in Rominten
RF Jörkischkcn, Jagen 35 Lost
Unknown Unknown Unknown Russia Lost
Unknown Unknown Unknown Russia, to the right of the intersection of roads Vishtynets - p. Yablonovka - p. Uvarovo Lost
To the forester After 1867 Karl Friedrich Wilhelm Reiff, at the scene of his death Russia, south of Lake Marinovo It's standing, restored.
To the forester After 1919 Oswald Kahnert Poland, north Ostrówka, 160 sq. at the fork in the road It's standing, restored.
Other Unknown Zeidler Bridge Poland, at the bridge over the river Krasnaya Struga, 196 sq. It's standing, restored.
Other After 1926 To the forester's dog G. Kenneweg Dora "Dora, 1913-1926" Poland, near the Bochki reserve Costs
To the forester After 1933 At the grave of forester Hegemeister Albert Hansen Russia, to the left of the road p. Dmitrievka - p. Raduzhnoe Costs
Other After 1936 At the site of the death of pilot G.V. von Arnim Russia Costs
To the forester After 1939 Paul Richard Barkhausen, grave marker Russia, to the north-east from the village of Dmitrievka It's standing, restored.
To the forester After 1939 Paul Richard Barkhausen Russia, Chernaya river area, near the bridge Costs
To the forester 1996 Forstmeister Joseph Frhr. Speck v. Sternburg. 1862—1942 Poland, near the river Petrońżna Costs
To the forester 1997 FCW Reiff. 1814-1867 Poland, Wild Kont Reserve Costs
To the forester Unknown Oberforstmeister Ferdinand Wallmann. 1874-1953 Russia, to the southwest of the village of Lesistoe Costs



Memorial stones of the Romincka forest Friedrich Karl stein
Imperial hunting lodge Rominten, St. Hubert's chapel and memorial stone to Prince Friedrich Karl of Prussia