Monument to the deceased pilot

Perhaps the most unusual stone in the Romincka Forest is located at the site of the death of pilot Hans Wilcke von Arnim.


The inscription on the stone reads:
"An dieser Stelle starb den Fliegertod Flugkapitän Hans Wilke v. Arnim. 11. June 1936"



"Pilot Hans Wilcke von Arnim died in an air crash at this place. June 11, 1936."

Hans Wilcke von Arnim was a pilot and leader of the forest spraying team of the Hansa Luftbild company. On June 11, 1936, while spraying insecticide in the forest in square 78 of the Romincka Forest, his plane crashed after catching on the top of a spruce tree.
A memorial stone was later erected at the crash site, just east of the Alten Szeldkehmer (Morgusweg) road.



Fokker III Rominter Heide 1936
A Fokker F III sprays a pesticide to control the nun butterfly (Lymantria monacha) over the Romincka Forest, 1936.




54°21'34.9″N 22°27'17.0″E


Currently, the memorial stone stands almost a meter from the barbed wire that runs along the KSP on the Russian-Polish border.


Hans von Arnim Denkstein Rominten heide 2015
A memorial stone to von Arnim stands near the KSP on the Russian-Polish border. August 2015.