Paul Barkhausen

Paul Richard Barckhausen (1902-1939) began his career as a forester near Frankfurt an der Oder after graduating from a specialized school. In early February 1935, after the death of chief forester Heinrich Lange, he was appointed head of the commission for the protection of forestry in one of the four Prussian forestries of the State Ministry of Forestry and Hunting - Warnen in the Romincka Forest. He was a follower of National Socialism. The sociable and efficient forester was in good standing with Hermann Goering. During the Polish campaign, he served as a lieutenant in a tank regiment. Already in the first days after the start of hostilities, he was awarded the Iron Cross 2nd class. On September 19, 1939, in a battle near Minsk Mazowiecki, east of Warsaw, his armored car was knocked out. While trying to get out of the armored car, Barkhausen was wounded in the leg by a machine gun. Under enemy fire, the crew tried to carry Barkhausen off the battlefield, but he ordered his subordinates to leave him and then return for him with a stretcher. They were unable to do this immediately. When they returned for him, he was already dead. Barkhausen was buried near the highway leading to Warsaw. A large wooden cross was erected on the grave, clearly visible from the road.

Later, on Goering's orders, Barkhausen's remains were transported to the Romincka Forest. The reburial was carried out in a ceremonial atmosphere by members of Barkhausen's crew, dressed in the black uniform of the armored forces. The site for the grave was chosen in the middle of the forest, in square 173, not far from the Varnen forestry. A grove of young oaks was planted around the grave, and a large memorial stone was erected on the grave , with the forester's name and dates of life carved into it. To the left of the stone (to the west) a wooden cross was originally erected, taken from Barkhausen's first grave. Goering personally wrote an obituary dedicated to Barkhausen in the "German Hunt" (Deutschen Jagd). Until 1 November 1941, the duties of the Varnen forestry department were entrusted to the chief forester Walter Frevert and his assistants Micke and Bernhardi.

The Varna forestry itself was renamed in honor of Barkhausen. Another memorial stone dedicated to Paul Barkhausen was installed in the Romincka Forest on the banks of the Chernaya River.


From left to right: Hermann Göring and forest rangers Remanofsky, Barkhausen and Schade.


Paul Barckhausen with Hirsch
Barkhausen near the killed deer


Obituary written by Goering on the death of Barkhausen


Memorial stone on the grave of forester Paul Barkhausen

A memorial stone erected on the grave of forester Paul Barckhausen (1902 - 1939).


Inscription on the stone:

Forstmeister Dr. Paul Richard Barckhausen wrote on November 10. 1902 fell 19 Sept. 1939 in Warsaw


Paul Barkhausen_stone
The gravestone of Paul Barkhausen


Chief forester Paul Richard Barkhausen was the head of the forest protection commission of one of the four Prussian forest districts of the State Ministry of Forestry and Hunting – Warnen. He died on September 19, 1939, in battle near Warsaw during the Polish campaign.

His body was transported to the Romincka Forest and buried in the forest, not far from the Varna Forestry. A grove of young oak trees was planted around the grave, and a large memorial stone was erected on the grave, with the forester's name and dates of life carved in it.
The Varna Forestry, where he served, was renamed in his honor after his death.


Paul Barckhausen
Paul Barkhausen



N54°25'36.64″ E22°28'56.81″




Historical photo:


Monument on the grave of Paul Barkhausen (from the book by Walter Frevert )


Chief forester Walter Frevert (centre), forester Paul Barkhausen (behind Frevert on the right) and Dietrich Micke (wearing glasses)


Memorial stone in honor of forester Paul Barkhausen

The memorial stone is installed on the left bank of the Black River (Schwarze), 100 meters downstream from the bridge.


Paul Barckhausen denkstein
Memorial stone in honor of forester Paul Barkhausen


Inscription on the stone:
Forstm. PR Barckhausen gef. vor Warsaw 19.9.39

(To forester P.R. Barkhausen, who died near Warsaw on 19.9.39)


An Iron Cross is depicted above the inscription.

The memorial stone was erected after the death of forester Paul Richard Barkhausen in the battle near Warsaw.


N54°23'07.8″ E22°25'18.4″