Kaymen Castle

Kaymen Castle (after 1938 - Kaimen) is located 25 km northwest of Kaliningrad, a couple of kilometers south of the village of Dobrino, located on the Kaliningrad - Polessk highway.

The stone castle was built by the Teutonic Knights on the site of a former Prussian fortress between 1330 and 1352, after the fortress, defended by Prussians loyal to the Order, was destroyed in 1308 by Lithuanian troops led by Kestutis.

The castle had a rectangular shape (80 by 38 m), stretched from north to south, and consisted of two wings. To the east of the castle, across the road, there was a foreburg of almost square shape (97 by 96 m). In addition to the wall 12 m high, the castle was protected by a stream from the south, and a pond from the west. The foreburg was separated from the castle by a moat. On the road between the castle and the foreburg there was a gate.

A settlement of the same name was formed around the castle (now the settlement is called Zarechye). During Lithuanian raids, the local population retreated under the protection of the castle walls. The stone castle withstood several Lithuanian sieges, never being taken.

After the Thirteen Years' War (1454-1466), the castle was given by the order into private hands as payment for the leader of the mercenaries. During the peasant revolt in 1525, the village of Kaimen, along with Shaaken (now Nekrasovo), found itself at the center of events, and the castle was captured by the rebels.

Later, Cayman became state property. It was rebuilt several times. In the 20th century, the castle became a domain and was rented out to private individuals.


Kaimen Giese 1826
Plan of the area around Kaimen Castle. Reconstruction by Giza, 1826.


Kaimen Bachtin
Kaimen Castle. Reconstruction by A. Bakhtin.


Kaimen plan castle caimen
Cayman Castle. Fragment of a topographic map from the 1930s.


The castle survived World War II safely. During the Soviet era, the castle premises were used for economic purposes, gradually falling into disrepair. By now, only fragments of the walls and part of the basement remain of the castle.


Kaimen 2016-2 caimen castle
Remains of the castle walls. February 2016.


Kaimen 2016
Remains of the castle walls. Combined masonry. February 2016.


Kaimen 2016-4
Cayman Castle. Remains of the castle walls. February 2016.


Kaimen 2016-3 Kaimen Castle
Remains of the castle walls. February 2016.




Bakhtin A.P. Castles and fortifications of the German Order in the northern part of East Prussia. — Kaliningrad, Terra Baltica, 2005.