Chausseehaus (House by the highway)

A house by the highway, or a house of the highway guard - this is how the word Chausseehaus can be translated from German. Abbreviated Ch. Hs., ehem Ch.Hs., Chs., ehem. Chs. These abbreviations are rarely found on German topographic maps from the 1930s. Even more rarely, houses by the highway can be seen in person.

The house by the highway was a service room and, at the same time, a home for the guard and his family. The first houses by the highway began to appear at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries, when in Germany there was a massive Eydtkunen (Chernyshevskoye) through Königsberg to Elbing (Elbląg) and further to Berlin), carried out already in Soviet times, several highway houses were demolished.


Chausseehaus Poppendorf map house by the highway
During the expansion of the Kaliningrad-Nesterov-Chernyshevskoye highway, several highway houses were demolished. In particular, such a fate befell the highway house located south of the village of Poppendorf (Zorino), where highway No. 142 Wehlau (Znamensk) - Allenburg (Druzhba) - Friedland (Pravdinsk) - Bartenstein (Bartoszyce) - Heilsberg (Lidzbark Warmiński) - Melzak (Pienężno) - Braunsberg (Braniewo) began from Reichstrasse No. 1.


Mollehnen - Kashtanovka Chaussehaus
Mollenen (Kashtanovka), Samland county. The building of the former house by the highway housed the post office. Postcard from the beginning of the 20th century. Today, only an orchard remains on the site of this house by the highway.


Mollehnen - Kashtanovka Chaussehaus map
Fragment of a topographic map. 1937.


Just over a dozen former highway houses have survived in the Kaliningrad region.


Zaozerje 2016
House of the highway guard on the right side of the road Zaozerye - Zarechye (Caymen). August 2016.


Zaozerje map
Fragment of a topographic map at a scale of 1:25000. 1937.


Windkeim - Razdolnoe 2016 house by the highway
House by the highway near the village of Razdolnoye. It stands on the right side of the Kaliningrad-Mamonovo road (former Reichstrasse No. 1). August 2016.


Windkeim - Razdolnoe map
Fragment of a topographic map at a scale of 1:25000. 1930s.


Chausseehaus Uljanovka 2016
House by the highway in Ulyanovka. Right side of the Kaliningrad-Mamonovo road. August 2016.


Former Reichstrasse No. 1 near the village of Podduby (former Auenhof). The house by the highway survived only because the modern Kaliningrad-Chernyshevskoye road bypassed the city of Gusev (former Gumbinnen). October 2016.


auenhof map
Fragment of a topographic map at a scale of 1:25000. 1930s.


Chausseehaus Uljanovka map
Fragment of a topographic map at a scale of 1:25000. 1937.


Sosnovka 2016 house by the highway
One of several roadhouses on Reichstrasse No. 128, which crosses East Prussia from north to south from Kranz (Zelenogradsk) via Königsberg to Ortelsburg (Szczytno), has survived to this day in the village of Sosnovka in the Zelenograd district. The section of this road from Königsberg to Bartenstein (Bartoszyce) was completed back in 1830. August 2016.


Sosnovka Chausseehaus Kreis Samland map
Fragment of a topographic map at a scale of 1:25000. 1937.


Great Legitent-Turgenevo Chaussee 126_ 2016
House by the highway in the village of Gross-Legitten (Turgenevo). Right shoulder of Reichstrasse No. 126 Labiau (Polessk) - Königsberg - Morungen (Morong) - Marienwerder (Kwidzyn). The section from Labiau to Königsberg was built by 1853. August 2016.


Gross Legitten-Turgenevo Chaussee 126 map
Fragment of a topographic map. 1930s.


Laukischken-Saranskoe Chaussee 126_2016
Another house by the highway on the former Reichstrasse No. 126 has been preserved in the village of Saranskoye (Laukishken). August 2016.


Laukischken-Saranskoe Chaussee 126_map
Fragment of a topographic map. 1930s.


Klein Nuhr_Suhodolje 2016
The highway guard's house north of the village of Sukhodolye on the road Znamensk (Wehlau) - Mozyr (Klyayngnie) - Kamenka (Pentlak). August 2016.


Klein Nuhr_Suhodolje map
Fragment of a topographic map. 1930s.


House by the highway in the village of Kamenka (Pentlak) on the eastern side of the Krylovo-Chernyakhovsk road, former Reichsstrasse No. 139 (Nordenburg-Insterburg). August 2016.


Fragment of a topographic map at a scale of 1:25000.


Gross Wohnsdorf Spa 2016
The house of the road guard north of the village of Kurortnoye (Gross-Wonsdorf) on the road Druzhba (Allenburg) - Pravdinsk (Friedland), former Reichstrasse No. 142 (Wehlau - Allenburg - Friedland - Bartenstein - Heilsberg). August 2016. The section of the road from Wehlau to Allenburg was built by 1857.


Gross Wohnsdorf Kurortnoe Chaussee 142 map
Fragment of a topographic map. 1930s.


Allenburg-Gerdauen Chaussee 141 2016
House by the highway on the road Friendship (Allenburg) - Railway (Gerdauen). August 2016. Former Reichsstrasse No. 141 from Allenburg to Bischofsburg via Gerdauen and Rastenburg. The Allenburg - Gerdauen section was built in 1850-1854.


Allenburg-Gerdauen Chaussee 141 map
Fragment of a topographic map. 1930s.


In the Polish part of East Prussia, there are also several houses along the highway. We do not know their exact number, but several surviving highway houses are shown in the photographs below.


House by the highway on road no. 591 (former Reichstrasse no. 141), south of Barciany, at the turnoff to the village of Gumninska. September 2016.


Fragment of a topographic map. Scale 1:25000.


Former house by the highway near the village of Garbno (Lamgarben) on the northern side of road no. 592 (former Reichsstrasse no. 135 Bartenstein - Rastenburg - Lötzen). September 2016.


House by the highway along road no. 592 (former Reichsstrasse no. 135) southeast of Kętrzyn (Rastenburg). September 2016.


Fragment of a topographic map at a scale of 1:25000.


Strassenbau advertising Wehlau
Advertisement for the road construction company of Georg Raeder from Wehlau. 1930s.


Tilsit Koenigsberger-Chaussee
Tilsit (Sovetsk). Königsberg highway. 1900s.


Chaussee Gerdauen Barten 1940
The Gerdauen (Zheleznodorozhny) - Barten (Bartsyany) highway. Early 1940s.


Bischofsburg Chaussee 128
Highway in Bischofsburg (Biskupiec).


* Reichsstrasse ( Reichsstraße) - a name introduced in the Third Reich in 1934, replacing the previous term Fernverkehrsstraße - a road of national importance. Many of the highways that existed at that time received their own numbers, and the Reichsstrasse themselves were designated by yellow plates with road numbers on them. With the advent of the autobahns, the Reichsstrasse became the second most important roads in Germany.






Photo gallery of maps in the German language (maps). — Gotha, 1941.